Mother Knows Best: The Council of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, 1977
The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo is an Argentine human rights group formed in 1977 in response to the military dictatorship of Jorge Rafael Videla. They formed with the goal of finding the desaparecidos in addition to advocating for the trials and sentencing of those who committed crimes against humanity.
In this committee, the Board of the organization of Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo will work together to address the political and social issues of Argentina, fighting against an oppressive regime while not only advocating for their family members who have gone missing, but also advocating for free speech, women’s rights, and democracy for the Argentine people.
Charlotte Bertrand
Charlotte Bertrand is a member of the Georgetown School of Foreign Service Class of 2025 majoring in International Politics with a minor in Spanish. This is Charlotte's fourth and final NCSC after serving as a crisis analyst for NCSC 49 and 50 and Director of Operations for NCSC LI. She is thrilled to conclude her NCSC journey alongside Patty by welcoming delegates to the Council of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo 1977. Charlotte spent the last semester abroad in Argentina where she researched the Mothers' movement with great depth (a 30-page paper) and is excited to see the creativity and drive delegates bring to this committee. Outside of Model U.N., Charlotte enjoys rooting for various San Francisco sports teams (she will remind you she is from San Francisco), spending time with friends, working out, and generally overbooking her schedule.
Crisis Manager:
Patty Robben
Patty Robben is a member of the Walsh School of Foreign Service Class of 2025, majoring in Regional & Comparative Studies with a concentration in Latin America and minoring in Spanish and Linguistics. She is from Minnesota, where she first discovered Model UN as a freshman in high school and immediately fell in love. This is Patty’s final NCSC after serving as the Chief of Staff for NCSC LI and Director of Operations for NCSC 50, and she can’t wait to finish strong by running the Council of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo with her good friend, Charlotte. (Fun fact, Patty and Charlotte first met freshman year while working on a group project about the Mothers’ movement and the Argentinian dictatorship!) Patty spent the last semester abroad in Ecuador, and after years of competing in Latin America committees across the circuit with Georgetown’s Model UN team, she is excited to put her knowledge and experience to work to bring this important topic to life. Beyond the world of Model UN, Patty loves spending time reminding everyone about the merits of the Midwest, exploring museums around the city, going on runs, and taking much-needed naps.
USG: Caroline Dupas
This committee is in the Councils & Boards Organ, and your Under-Secretary General is Caroline Dupas. Committees in this organ are Non-traditional crises with 25-30 delegates.
If you have any questions about your committee, please reach out to c.dupas@modelun.org.